Sunday, 30 October 2011

Second Life

I've been asked to write a post on how Second Life makes a difference to my life as someone who is mostly housebound and unable to socialise or interact in the normal way. You may not be familiar with Second Life yourself. It is a MUVE - a Multi User Virtual Environment. That is different from being a game. Imagine that you are chatting on MSN or Yahoo etc, but it becomes real. You can be face to face with the person you are chatting to, or a representation of that person at least. You have been drawn into a different world created by peoples imaginations, and you can move among that world, meeting other people whom you would otherwise not have met, from all over the world, and all walks of life. It is an extreme form of Instant Messaging I guess, with many more ways to interact injected in it.

You can join Second Life here:

Before I share my experience I would just like to warn anyone who does choose to sign up, to not use a username that they use for anything else online. 

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I am in pain. I am always in pain. Chronic pain. For the most part I cannot leave my house, not only due to pain, but because I often cannot stand up for more than ten minutes without starting to black out. I have M.E. - Mylagic Encephalomyelitis. It is a neurological condition which affects the immune and endocrine systems ... officially. In actuality it seems to affect every single facet of my body and life.

I am hypermobile, I have hypothyroidism, I have Fibromylagia, and arthritis in my back. I have eczema, asthma, and ... other things ... but it is M.E. that causes the problems. I cannot, for example, follow the simple process of preparing a meal, let alone remain standing to actually cook it. I am frequently over-sensitive to sound, or light, meaning I cannot listen to music, or watch the television, and need to turn my monitors brightness down as far as it will go. I cannot even begin to describe the fatigue and how it messes with my sleep pattern. Prior to becoming ill I had a career marketing biotech products. I used to swim 50 lengths after work three times a week. I used to go down to London, clubbing with friends, and I did charity work at the weekends. I absolutely loathe the life that I am now forced to live.

At this time last year I was bedbound. I was too weak to stand, and my body would not accept any nourishment. I had discovered Second Life a few months previously, and it was these friends who stood by me through that nightmare.

The ability to log in to Second Life when I choose, gives me a sense of control. On Second Life I have no need for food, so I don't need to worry that I am unable to prepare a meal, or that my body may reject it. On Second Life I can walk for as long as I want to, I can dance, I can even fly! And there's no pain in any of these ... unless my fingers are hurting too much to type, but if that is the case I can then use voice with people.

When you first join Second Life you notice that everyone is tall, beautiful or handsome. As such it teaches you to look beyond the aesthetics of pixels into the person behind the avatar. And it teaches you that you are beautiful, that people can appreciate you for who you are inside. 

On Second Life I go shopping. I cannot do this in real life. Some of my favourite stores are:-
- Curious Kitties
- Phoenix Rising
- Twighlight Star
- Monsoon
I can change my outfit at the touch of a button, which is by far preferable to the unbalanced saga I experience in real life each day. I tend to change my hair too. Several times a day. Most of my outfits have been free though because my favourite past time on Second Life is hunting. There are grid-wide treasure-hunts, each participating store offering a free item.

I also spend time playing games such as Greedy or En Garde, or exploring sims of haunted houses, forests, or moon scapes. And I spend quite a lot of time just chilling with my friends at a venue or their homes.

Even on Second Life though, I have had to adapt to cope to a certain extent. Many sim owners are keen on fancy animated graphics or objects. These cause me to become extremely giddy and nauseous. I used to wear a blindfold to avoid these items (it blanks out my screen), but have recently discovered that I can derender them, meaning that they just disappear and I can enjoy the rest of the environment. I very rarely have music or environmental sounds turned on because of the affect continuous noise has on me. As I already mentioned, when I am in too much pain to type I can use voice. I can also have one of my friends leash me so that I do not have to worry about moving my avatar, and using RLV they can teleport me between sims too.

Second Life allows me to have a life. It gives me the ability to interact with people on a personal level, every day, to make friends, or enemies, and to feel almost normal. It may well be pretend, but it's a whole lot better than the complete emptiness my life would otherwise be.

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At the touch of a button
I have a life
A home
Beautiful vistas
and parties galore.

At the touch of a button
My legs work
My arms work
No Pain
No weakness
Derender irritating objects
and mute annoying people.

At the touch of a button
Rude people
and stress
... sometimes, I need time out.

I return to my bed
to stare at the ceiling, at dust, cobwebs, and spiders
to pain, weakness, loneliness, and boredom
day in
day out
It does not take long for me
to touch that button once again.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Norway's Directorate of Health Apologises for Treatment of ME Patients


"The Norwegian Directorate of Health has apologised for the way in which ME patients in Norway have been treated. This follows the publication of the ground-breaking research from Haukeland University in Bergen (click here).

After the publication of the Rituximab study by Fluge et al (2011) and extensive media coverage since then the Norwegian Directorate of Health gave a short statement on TV2 channel, see TV2 Nettavisen (click here).

A statement from the Norwegian Directorate of Health has been received where  they apologise for not having provided the necessary and proper health services to persons with ME.

Such a public apology from a governmental health agency has never occurred before.

Bjørn Guldvog, Deputy Director General of theNorwegian Directorate of Health made the following statement

"I think that we have not cared for people with ME to a great enough extent. I think it is correct to say that we have not established proper health care services for these people, and I regret that."

Patients have thanked Norwegian channel TV2 for their massive media campaign.

The TV2 channel has set up a web page containing all mediacoverage they have had – which includes easy access to writings and video clips."

Friday, 21 October 2011

I'm not coping

WARNING: little bit of content that could be considered adult.

Right .. so ... last week I tried to commit suicide. Not going to discuss it any further, and don't wish for your judgement or opinions on doing it, admitting to doing it, or posting in my blog about it. I just want to illustrate how much I am not coping.

I have had M.E. since 2001. When I first hit that wall I didn't think it was possible to be any more ill (with M.E.). I used to assess how I was in % of normal. I can't do that anymore, as I don't remember what it feels like to be healthy and normal. I gradually increased over the years. At the beginning of last year my body started asking me to exercise, so I started sessions with a fitness instructor, and I started seeking work again. I don't know what happened in June, but I became ill. I'm fairly certain I had pneumonia, though anti biotics didn't help me. I also think my body was reacting very badly to gluten, as it was only when I started eating rice that I started to recover. I had been on deaths door. Far far worse than when I first became ill in 2001. I did not know it was possible to be that ill and not die. I am still now far more ill than I was in 2001, but thankfully not as ill as I was last year.

However, I am now alone. And I cannot cope. I cannot feed myself properly. Everyone always tells you that if you eat properly you'll be healthy. Well, if I could manage to do so, I would. I have no freezer, so I am having to try and live on things that don't perish in a fridge. This means I've very little meat in my diet, and virtually no vegetables. I cannot get out to do my shopping, so am living on a fortnightly Tesco delivery. I finished the gluten free diet a few weeks ago, so am having to eat gluten to prove whether I react to it or not. I do. It feels like a lead balloon in my stomach, it makes me tired, grumpy, and depressed. But it's yummy, and most foods that are not perishable contain it. So basically, I'm poisoning myself. If I don't eat I start shaking, feeling nauseous, weak, starved almost. Yet I actually panic at the thought of eating because of how I know it will make me feel.

I went out for a little less than an hour last Wednesday, to view a house. A twenty minute drive there, look round a very bland house, and twenty minute drive back. I was already too weak and unfocused to drive safely. When I got in I literally sank to the hallway floor and just lay there. My body didn't want to move me to the settee or upstairs to bed. It just wanted to remain still. I was too exhausted even to cry. I was unable to stand properly for the rest of the day, and unable to stomach any food. There was no option for me of having the TV on as it would have been too loud and too busy.

I can't put into words how much I am struggling with my health, obviously. I'm not doing a very good job of painting that picture. But I just no longer want to be in this body. It fails me over and over and over again. I'm so tired of guessing what it's doing, or trying to figure out if everything is M.E., or if there's something else to worry about. I'm tired of being in pain, nauseous, tired, of being so weak I can't walk, or sometimes even lift my arms. And I'm tired of having to justify myself and my illness to everyone all the time.

So my doctor referred me to a specialist. He was not familiar with M.E. specialists so I contacted the M.E. Association for him to find out where my nearest ones were. As it happens they are way too far away for me to get to without someone else's help. This isn't what influenced my doctor's decision though; he looked at the waiting lists, said that 500 years was way too long, and referred me to a rheumatologist instead. I honestly have no idea why he chose rheumatology. My appointment was last week .. or the week before .. I'm losing track of time a lot at the moment. The rheumatologist was completely perplexed as to what she was supposed to do for me. She had no interest in M.E. at all, and blatantly told me to stop talking about it. She assessed my mobility and diagnosed me with Hypermobility and elements of Fibromyalgia. I've known for years that I was hypermobile, but never actually had it diagnosed before; what I didn't know was that that in itself could be causing some of my pain. I was surprised that she only diagnosed me with elements of FM, especially considering we didn't discuss it for more than two or three minutes. She's referring me to physiotherapy for them both, and she has told me to not tell the therapist that I have M.E.. That worries me. She has also asked my doctor to prescribe me Amitriptyline and Tramadol. I told her that last time I was on Amitriptyline it nearly killed me but she was unconcerned.

G had an appointment with the hospital on the same day. He has a lump on his throat that keeps coming up and going down. It's a swollen gland. But he's not willing to believe that (despite two nurses and a doctor telling him so) so he's having it poked and prodded by as many people as possible. When he left the hospital he texted me telling me how it had gone. I replied with comments, as any normal person would. When I left the hospital I also texted him telling him how my appointment had gone; no comment from him. When I spoke to him that evening, again he was completely disinterested in discussing my day, only his. It's a big deal for me that I wasted months waiting for an appointment with a specialist who had no interest in me. It's a big deal for me that I received two diagnoses. And it's also a big deal for me that I'm going to be put on medication that I really don't want to touch with a barge pole. And this is a big issue for me; he is completely self obsessed.

I made the very hard decision a few weeks ago to tell him that I could not move in with him. He was very understanding. I thought he'd make a bit of a fuss because of everything he'd been saying for months. He's constantly been telling me that he can't wait to live together, that it'll be great to sit around a nice warm fire in the winter, that we'll have a local pub to go to every week for quiz night, etc. He keeps telling me how lonely he is. That he's lived alone for eleven years, and he wants someone to share his life with. It was when he told me that Jess and he had been planning to move in together, in the same area, before they split up that I suddenly realised that it isn't me he wants to live with. He just wants someone, anyone, and to not be alone. It needs to be the right person, otherwise there will be no happiness.

This is the tip of the iceberg though. I thought I broke up with him the Monday after my birthday, only I don't think he has understood that. Or maybe he has, as he wasn't sending me good night texts saying he loves me prior to that.

My birthday! He promised me a four day birthday extravaganza. He had to take the Thursday (my birthday) off work anyway, so he decided to take the Friday off and make a weekend of it. So, he turned up here on Thursday afternoon with a bunch of beautiful roses and a box of my favourite chocolates. I was impressed. We went out for dinner, for which I paid. When we got back, he told me that he had to work Friday after all, and he left at 9pm saying he'd be back after work. Friday evening he texted saying he was going to wait for Saturday's post to arrive. Saturday afternoon he texted saying he couldn't come because the tread on his tyres was too low. I told him that I knew he wasn't going to come back anyway. So, the next thing I knew he turned up on my doorstep .. presumably to prove me wrong. I sent him home again an hour or so later. I was disappointed and just didn't want to be around him. He's always building things up, and then they never happen.

So, we have self obsessed, and we have making promises we don't keep. It doesn't sound that bad does it. He's supposed to be my Dom. He's supposed to be a decision maker, and in control, amongst other things. He is not in control. When I first met him I did not know that he had financial difficulties. However, he did know that I would be coming into a large chunk of money when the divorce was over. I asked him a few weeks ago whether it was me or the money that he wanted to live with. He said that he had asked himself this question many times, and that it was me. Well, sorry G, but the fact that you had to ask yourself the question at all shows that it's the money. I have managed to stop him from getting Pay Day loans every month. I watched him cut the card up. This does mean however that he's been having more than half of my benefit in order to keep himself running. He had expected me to pay £10,000 debt off for him. I said no. As soon as I said no everything changed between us. His spirits dropped, he's been miserable, and irritable. It's the money .. not me! So I researched and found that he is eligible for a Debt Relief Order. This will wipe out his entire debt so long as he sticks to certain conditions for a year. Rather excited I told him. He already knew. I suddenly realised that he would rather have had me pay £10,000 of my money for his debt, than sort it out himself. An easy route. I was so angry. I still am to be honest. But that moment, I fell out of love with him.

The final straw for me is alcohol. I know the money should be enough. He knows very well that I am extremely uncomfortable around alcohol because of things that have happened to me in my past. Yet, over the time I've known him he's drank more and more of it around me. His excuse has usually been 'It's the weekend, I need to relax!'. One evening, he decided to take my car, which was already flashing on empty, for an hours drive to an all night supermarket so that he could buy some beer, and drive an hour back again; knowing that he had had the last of my money so I'd not be able to fill the tank up again. I was lucky to get home the following day. He has finally admitted that he has a problem with alcohol, and sworn to stop drinking so much. Though in the same breath said that he has to have a pint with work colleagues during the week otherwise they'll know there's a problem.

So, the crux of the issue for me is that to be with him I actually have to become Dominant. I have to watch what happens with every penny, every bill, the wages coming in, etc. And I will have to watch him with alcohol. He's already proved that he can't give up smoking. I don't have the energy to do that. I don't have the motivation or inclination either, but it's the energy that's the important thing. The stress from trying to live that way would be detrimental to my health, which is somewhat ironic considering that he's been telling me for months that being together would make us both happy, and therefore my health would improve vastly.

And then there's C. C is someone I met online just before I met G. I had no idea he fancied me at all. We lost touch, then he hunted me down on a forum. Being a moron I still didn't think he fancied me, until he told me anyway. Since he told me he's been trying to push me, or lure me, into having sex with him. He didn't care that I was with G, and he doesn't want a relationship. I am rather perplexed as to what he really does want to be honest. The pressure he puts on me though is horrible. He knows what happened last week, and yet he's still pushing. This tells me that he too, is selfish, and somewhat inconsiderate. I know from experience with him that he finds it impossible to admit when he's at fault.

He did offer me his place for storage and even a room though, when I decided that I couldn't live with G. Very obviously a bad idea from the moment it popped out of his fingers.

Whilst deciding to not live with G was obviously the right decision, it did put me in a rather difficult position. I suddenly had nowhere lined up to live. Ian was asking me for a completion date so I told him the end of this month hoping I'd find something. When I told him that I had nowhere lined up he and the estate agent came to the agreement that a completion date wouldn't be agreed until I had actually found somewhere. This put the pressure on me to find somewhere, but that was a good thing.

Looking was very depressing. Searching through and similar sites turned up absolutely nothing, and exhausted me. So the next day I dug out the last few weeks newspapers and had a look through. Still not much, but at least I knew which agents to phone. As soon as you explain to someone that you require a ground floor because you have mobility problems they don't want to help you. I tried agents around here, and agents near G. One, local to myself wanted to help.

I've looked at quite a few properties. The first one I looked at was so small and yet so expensive that I had to laugh. It scared me though, that something so small would be so expensive. I didn't think I'd find anything reasonable. I saw a HUGE property though, for less than the first one; it was a semi detached, and had three bedrooms. The problem with it was that it would have added two hours on my journey for when I travel down south. I've settled on a ground floor one bedroom maisonette that isn't all that far from here. It was a relief to have made the decision.

The day before yesterday one of the ladies from our estate agents office phoned me up. She was supposed to phone me weeks ago to help me find somewhere, because of the situation being urgent. She hadn't done so, obviously. I told her that I had found somewhere, that I had paid the deposit, was awaiting the application form, and had no moving date. An hour later she phoned me up to ask what my moving date was. I said I didn't have one. She tried to push me for one, and then told me I had to bring it forward. I told her it was completely out of my control, that I don't know how these things work, but when I know what's happening I'd update the agent. I couldn't believe how pushy she was being after she had never even tried to help me to start with. She stressed me out. All my spoons were gone before my day had even started.

So yesterday when Ian phoned to tell me we were going to lose the sale, I thought the bottom had fallen out of the world. The buyers apparently had told the estate agent that they had been round here the previous night, and I'd told them that I'm not planning to move out. This was a complete blatant lie. I sat here that evening, on my PC, without the TV on. If anyone had even knocked at the door I would have heard them.

I suddenly realised that all of the things I'd thought were misunderstandings, were these pair lying. Her father, who lives in France, is buying it for them, so I had figured that communications between them and him, and then to the estate agents, were getting confused. Apparently not.

A few days after they viewed the property a guy knocked on our door saying he had noticed the For Sale sign and would like to have a quick gander on behalf of his old Dad. He had a look round saying he'd change this, and do that to it, and left. I spoke to Ian a few days later and he said that I'd spoken to their builder. Apparently this guy was not looking at the house for himself at all, but was a builder from them seeing whether the changes they want to make are likely to be possible. I don't understand why he didn't just tell me that!

They told the estate agent that we had planning for a roof conversion. We don't. We put a solid floor down in the loft, but we never got any further than that, and I never suggested that we did. Oh, I can't remember what else they've said. It doesn't really matter. I don't understand why they would tell lies that are very obviously going to be found out as wrong. I don't understand what their motivation is in saying they're going to pull out of the sale, and then in the next breath say they have to be in the house by the end of the month because their lease runs out. I feel really bad for my neighbours having these people move in here.

So, yesterday, our estate agent went to my lettings agent and picked up the forms for me to fill them in. Today one of his colleagues collected them from me, and has delivered them back to my letting agent. I will probably be moving next weekend. I am scared.

So when I received a letter this morning from the Job Centre informing that I have a Work Programme appointment next week I just figured there's nothing else the world can throw at me at the moment. I'm sure I'll be proved wrong in about five minutes though.

Rant - I figured this warranted it's own post too

God's truth ... I would rather be working than ill. I would love to get up at 7:30am, drive myself to some work place, see familiar faces, sit down at my computer and sink my teeth into a piece of work I didn't finish the night before, greet my boss as he enters with his tie all skewiff coz he slept on the settee again ... and then go to lunch with colleagues, actually be able to eat food I like without worrying about the repercussions it'll have on me later in the day or that it'll send me to sleep within ten minutes of eating it. I'd like to sit watching the clock through the afternoon waiting til I can drive myself home again, and then STILL be able to do what I want with my own life in the evening.

People don't realise the luxury they have. All of you out there who curse the sick for pushing your taxes up ... YOU get to work every day .. YOU then get to go home at the end of the day and do far more activity in those few hours after work than I have managed to achieve throughout my entire day ... YOU get to see people, whether that be to argue with them or socialise, you still see people ... and YOU get to build a life. Why the f*** would I have given myself a pay cut of over £12,000 to claim frigging benefits???

The Work Programme

I'm a little perplexed. I was put in the WRAG following the reversal of the decision that my ESA should be revoked. A lady from my local job centre phoned me to arrange an appointment some months ago. When I spoke to her I explained that I am too ill to attend an interview, so she had a talk with me on the phone. She was very friendly and understanding. She had to follow it up, which she said she was going to do so by phone call this month. So she phoned me a few days ago. I had the phone call written in my diary, so was expecting it. I'm not entirely sure whether it was the same lady or not, as she sounded like she'd been turned into an automaton. I am not allowed to talk to them over the phone about my condition, I HAVE to attend the job center, I HAVE to attend The Work Programme, and she was putting an appointment for me to do so in the post. I told her that my condition had deteriorated since we last spoke, but she dismissed me. She did however take my number plate so that she can arrange for me to park in the car park outside the Job Centre.

I went to one of the M.E. groups and told them what had happened. I realised then that I didn't actually know what it was that she had told me I was attending. I thought she had said 'Return To Work Programme', but that doesn't seem to exist. One of the people on the group said this:


Not unless you can manage being pushed into a full-time job as soon as possible - they don't get paid for a successful outcome until the have kept you in work for 12 months, so therefore will put you under lots of pressure to be in and stay in work.......!!!!!!!

There are other options that you should be told about - you can do volunteer (even if you could only manage an hour a week), you can do work preparation (this could be anything that might prepare you for work), work experience etc. Don't let them just push you into the work programme - if you have trouble leaving home, you are not going to manage a two year programme and being pushed into a full-time job.

The WRAG can also help you to set up your own business too - they should be telling you that as well - it may be that there is something you could do part-time flexibly at home.

Obviously I've not been told any of those things. I wasn't even sure what I am supposed to be attending until I just received the following letter.

Personal Adviser Interview

Dear Miss Olana Voljeti

Your next Jobcentre Plus Interview

On: ####
At: ##
Place: #####

We have arranged this interview for you with one of our advisers to discuss the support available to you through Jobcentre Plus.

Do I need to come to the Jobcentre interview?

Yes. It is important you attend and take part in the interview or give an acceptable reason why you are unable to attend. Unless you have a good reason for not attending or not taking part in this interview, the amount of your benefit may be reduced. If you cannot attend at the date and time the interview is booked you must contact us as soon as possible, so that alternative arrangements can be made.

Please let us know immediately by telephoning 0845 604 3719 (textphone: 0845 608 8551) or by your usual method of contacting us.

What will happen at the interview?

The interview will last up to an hour to discuss the help that we may be able to offer you to take the first steps to returning to work. We will be able to tell you about the support that is available and discuss what is right for meeting your needs. At the interview we can offer advice on:
- the steps that can be taken towards getting paid or voluntary work;
- training to update your skills;
- Permitted Work - which could help you to try different kinds of work whilst still being entitled to benefit;
- Tax Credits to top-up low wages, Return To Work Credit and other financial support available
- other help you may be able to access;
- discuss any further support and whether this will be delivered by Jobcenter Plus or Work Programme Providers

What is the Work Programme?

The Work Programme offers specialist support to help you find and keep work. If you become eligible you may be referred to one of our partner organisations, known as providers. They deliver the Work Programme on our behalf. Your adviser can explain more about this at the interview.

Can I get help to attend the interview if I need it?

To help you get to the interview we may be able to provide help with:
- the cost of registered childcare if you have children and would prefer not to bring them with you but have no-one to look after them. (Payment will be made direct to the childcare provider)
- travel costs (you will need to bring proof of these, e.g. travel tickets, with you to the interview)
- any other help you may need to attend the interview
- we will arrange an interpreter if English or Welsh is not your first language

Please contact us before the interview if you would like help with any of the above. We will not be able to provide these for you if they have not been requested before the interview.

Can I bring someone with me to the interview?

Yes, you can bring someone such as a friend or relative with you. However, due to limited space in waiting areas, please only bring one person with you.

If you want to know more

If you want more information about the support that Jobcentre Plus can offer you or you need to contact us about the interview, please get in touch with us on 0845 604 3719, textphone: 0845 608 8551), by your usual method of contacting us or at the address at the top of this letter.

Yours sincerely,

On behalf of the Manager.

Well, there is no way in heck that I can drive there, attend an hours interview, and drive home again, so I guess I'm up pooh creak with no paddle again. If they're not interested in the fact that my condition has deteriorated so much that I can barely leave the house, then they're not going to care that I'll not be able to cope with the interview. So I have no idea what to do now.

The prospect of them forcing me into work .. at the moment, just makes me want to laugh. I'll be blogging about everything I've gone through in the last few weeks at some point over the next few days, so you'll then understand why it seems so laughable to me ... maybe.

God's truth ... I would rather be working than ill. I would love to get up at 7:30am, drive myself to some work place, see familiar faces, sit down at my computer and sink my teeth into a piece of work I didn't finish the night before, greet my boss as he enters with his tie all skewiff coz he slept on the settee again ... and then go to lunch with colleagues, actually be able to eat food I like without worrying about the repercussions it'll have on me later in the day or that it'll send me to sleep within ten minutes of eating it. I'd like to sit watching the clock through the afternoon waiting til I can drive myself home again, and then STILL be able to do what I want with my own life in the evening. People don't realise the luxury they have. All of you out there who curse the sick for pushing your taxes up ... YOU get to work every day .. YOU then get to go home at the end of the day and do far more activity in those few hours after work than I have managed to achieve throughout my entire day ... YOU get to see people, whether that be to argue with them or socialise, you still see people ... and YOU get to build a life. Why the f*** would I have given myself a pay cut of over £12,000 to claim frigging benefits???

Cancer Drug for M.E.

A Norwegian study has shown that a cancer drug improves life, even cures some, of 2 out of 3 of their study participants. It made me raise an eye brow when they said that they now think that it is a somatic disease affecting the immune system. I thought we already knew that? Did they go in thinking it was psychosomatic? I don't care ... it's a known drug, and it's having an affect ... I want it!

Norwegian research breakthrough can solve CFS-mystery

Two oncologists in the city of Bergen in Norway have recently discovered a possible treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The drug that they administered improved the condition of two out of three of the patients treated. Several patients were healed.

The breakthrough, published today in the medical journal PLOS one, can provide answers to CFS-patients concerning what causes the mysterious disease and how it can be treated.

“We definitely see an effect. There is hope,” states professor and head of oncology at Haukeland University Hospital, Olav Mella to the TV 2 News.

TV 2 has exclusive access to the research paper that came out in the medical journal PLOS one. Mella and his colleague, attending MD Øystein Fluge, have completed a double-blind study on 30 Norwegian CFS-patients.

The results are sensational. Two out of three of the patients experienced major improvement, while some experienced a full recovery.
New status to CFS-patients

I addition to providing hope to millions of CFS-patients concerning treatment, the MDs are giving the patients, as a group, new status.

The two doctors say the results indicate that CFS is in fact a somatic decease.

"We think that CFS is an autoimmune decease. The immune system has a central role in this," they say to TV 2 News.
Attracts international attention

The discovery has already attracted international attention. However, the news wasn´t released to the public until today, after the medical journal finally lifted the embargo.

Mella and Fluge presented their results as early as in May at a CFS-conference in London. At the conference, reporting restrictions were imposed upon the audience. Following the conference, the doctors have been contacted by several foreign doctors and researchers who attended the London-meeting.
Cancer-drug against CFS

The two Norwegians are the first two doctors in the world to have found that the cancer-drug Rituximab has very good effects upon CFS.

Each year the disease, which has an unknown etiology, ruins the lives of millions of people worldwide. In Norway alone it is estimated that 15.000 people have CFS.
A fortunate conjuncture

Professor Mella and attending MD Fluge have basically stumbled over what could become one of the biggest breakthroughs in the field of CFS.

A patient with Hodgkin’s lymphoma also had the diagnosis CFS. To fight the cancer, the patient was given amongst other treatments, the antibody Rituximab. After a few weeks the patient’s condition regarding CFS-symptoms suddenly improved.

“Completely surprisingly, to both us and the patient, the CFS-symptoms were gone after six to eight weeks after the treatment,” says Fluge.
First in the world

Through a so-called double blind study, the doctors have tested the drug which is normally used in cancer treatment on patients who had CFS. There was a total of 30 people in the study.

Half of the patients received saline, while the other half received Rituximab. No one knew who received which of these two, including the doctors or the nurses.

“The group was split up by the pharmacist who drew lots. The drug and the saline containers were double bagged in red plastic. This was done so no one would see who got what,” says Fluge.

In the group that received Rituximab, ten out of 15 had a significant positive effect. Nine of these had what the doctors characterize as a significant improvement.

Amongst those who received the placebo, only two had a measureable improvement. Only one of these two experienced what is characterized as a strong improvement.

In medical terms these results are considered to be good.

Amongst the patients that experienced effects from the drug, the transformations were enormous. They experienced a dramatic improvement in their symptoms. For some patients, the symptoms completely vanished.

The study did however show that the duration of the effect varies. Most patients have experienced relapse. Meanwhile, the doctors are now experimenting with continued treatments intended to maintain the effect. These treatments appear to be working.
Could transform lives

Some might consider administering a cancer drug to CFS patients to be irresponsible. However, Mella and Fluge point out that the CFS patients in some cases are so sick that they are chained to the bed most of the day.

“When we have cancer patients that are as sick as many of these patients are, they have a very short life expectancy. That says a lot about the quality of life for many of them.”

Professor Mella is convinced that the possible treatment of CFS patients can have tremendous significance.

“Knowing that CFS each year costs society about nine billion dollars, that is in the US alone, says a lot about the colossal costs involved. I addition you have the patients expenses. However, even more important is the fact that the quality of live for millions of patients, worldwide, can dramatically improve.”
Offered therapy

Currently there is no test to set the CFS diagnoses. Being diagnosed with CFS results from ruling out all other possible diseases.

In other words, today there is no cure or treatment for CFS patients in the Norwegian health system.

People who get the diagnoses are being offered therapy and courses to learn how to live with the decease.

While several private clinics and individuals offer alternative treatments, no one has so far been able to document that their (often very costly treatments) actually have an effect.
Think they know what causes CFS

There have been several theories about what causes CFS. Still the research community has not been able to come to a conclusion.

The core of the matter is the question of whether CFS is a physiological or psychological condition. In Norway, the latter explanation has been the prominent one.

A Norwegian survey shows that 52 percent of Norwegian health caretakers believe that CFS is a psychological condition.

In the last couple of years, theories about CFS being a physiological condition have gained more impact. Now it looks as if the researchers have taken a huge step towards confirming this theory.

After having seen the effect which Rituximab produced in the majority of the patients in the study, their theory is that CFS is an autoimmune decease.

In short that means that the body’s own immune system attacks the body’s own cells.

Other researchers have on previous occasions indicated that CFS is an autoimmune decease. Following this study with Rituximab in Bergen there is now, for the first time, evidence that supports this theory.

“The results show that the immune apparatus plays a central role. We still haven’t found the breaking in point. The fact that the patient has an effect of the drug, might help us. However there is quite a lot of lab work that remains,” says professor Mella.

Many people will probably read this report and wonder: “how can I, or someone I know, get this treatment?”

“They will have to wait. First of all there needs to be bigger studies. We definitely see that there is an effect. We will find a treatment, however it might still be years until this can be offered to all patients with this decease,” says Mella.

Both Mella and Fluge think that this is the first step on the road to finding a treatment for these patients and also providing the correct diagnosis.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Response to my Atos Complaint

Dear Miss Voljeti,

Thank you for your letter dated 12th September 2011 that I received today, in which you express your concerns regarding your Employment and Support Allowance Medical Assessment conducted by ###### on the 26th April 2011.

A full investigation will now take place into the issues you have raised and we aim to complete our investigation within four weeks. However, if the investigation takes longer than anticipated I will continue to update you of our progress.

Your letter indicated that you will be moving house shortly and I therefore confirmed your address with you by telephone today. As I mentioned, should you move house in the near future please telephone me to advise your new address to ensure that any future correspondence is received.

Should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact  me on the above telephone number or the address below.

Yours sincerely,

Customer Relations Manager

As the letter suggests, this lady did phone me a few days ago to check where to send the letter, and what to do regarding future correspondence. I am actually quite impressed at how fast they have responded, and how courteous and professional she was in speaking with me too.

I feel a bit bad about it really. It's taken me months to actually file the complaint and they respond so quickly. I can imagine that to a healthy 'normal' person, my taking so long to make the complaint could easily be interpreted as laziness, or slacking, or even my being half hearted in making the complaint. The truth is that I've simply not had the spoons and the lucidity to do so at a time when I wasn't dealing with my own personal crap.

So, anyway ... having been impressed so far ... I wonder what the outcome will be.

Second letter from Chris Grayling

I received another letter from Chris Grayling, via my MP yesterday.

Dear MP

Thank you for your letter of 15 September to the Minister for Welfare Reform on behalf of Ms Olana Voljeti, regarding the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). I am replying as the Minister responsible for this area of teh Department's work.

People are entitled to Employment and Support Allowance for as long as they satisfy the entitlement conditions. To ensure that people who receive the benefit are doing so correctly and to achieve this, people will be considered to undertake a WCA to make sure that they meet the entitlement conditions. This is part of the claimant's responsibilities which balances the right to benefit.

However, it is appreciated that the process can prove stressful for some people and a number of steps have been taken to ensure that this is minimised where possible. All claimants are sent form AL1C prior to their WCA, which contains details of who to contact if they have specific needs or concerns such as the ones Ms Voljeti mentions. If it is not possible for the claimant to attend the WCA then the Healthcare professional responsible for carrying it out may, for example, be able to conduct a home visit instead if this would be more appropriate. Furthermore, even if a person fails to attend an examination, the decision maker will review all the relevant facts before reaching a decision as to whether or not benefit is payable.

I hope this is helpful to Ms Voljeti.

With best wishes,

Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP
Minister for Employment

I am not 100% certain what he is actually addressing here, and am too foggy to actually look through my letters to work it out. I remember mentioning that it would be useful if people attending medical assessments have the ability to contact the medical centre in case they cannot attend the assessment for any reason, since if you do not attend you automatically fail the assessment.

Firstly, he seems to have misunderstood my meaning. I know from personal experience that I cannot arrange a home medical unless you definitely cannot attend the medical at the centre. I was told, when trying to arrange for my medical to be performed at home, that I would have to have someone take me. With conditions such as M.E., it is quite possible that we would not be able to attend on the day of the medical when we had actually been fine the day before. My point however, was that there are a number of things that could prevent someone attending ... ones car might break down, a family emergency, the person giving you a lift may be called into work ... none of these would constitute a medical being performed at home.

He also seems to be oblivious to the reality of what is happening. Everyone I know who has been unable to attend a medical, including myself a few years ago, automatically had their benefits revoked. No one contacted me to ask why. They were just stopped, and they were stopped before I received any letter explaining why. The reason given, very clearly on the letter stated that it was because I had not attended the medical.

I would like, but know is unlikely to happen, for as many people who had that same experience, to write to Chris Grayling, all within a one week period, telling him that whilst he believes his system works in a particular way, it in fact does not.